I’ve been struggling with anxiety for as long as I can remember. But in the past two years, I’ve been learning how to fight it. It’s been a success and every day has become easier. I don’t give myself any…
The Answer to Fighting Anxiety and Identifying the Core
4 Easy Ways To Share Jesus With Post-Its
I started doing this since 2010 and how I got into it was when I was a Sunday School teacher for a group of girls, ages between 10-13. One of the girls asked me how she can share the love…
Looking at Other Christians Hindered My Faith
When I first became a new believer I was excited to get back into the church and begin fellowshipping with other believers. I was looking forward to getting into topics and digging deeper into the characters of the Bible along…
Self-Love with a Biblical Perspective
I came across a story on the internet of a woman struggling with self-love after she realized that her husband is having an affair. She went on explaining how she overcame the battle and learned to love herself. There were…
5 Ways Jealousy Steals Your Joy
Jealousy: A third party, a rival, competing for, stealing something that is or should have been yours. 1) Creates a Barrier in Your Relationship with God When the enemy uses jealousy it will create a barrier between you and God….